I complain alot…

I complain a lot… I don’t know If it’s just because I’m cynical or writing about praise-worthy things just bores me. Anyhow, I bring this up to to make note of a widespread epidemic. iPhoneupsidedown-itis. I have a problem with apps that allow you to turn your iPhone upside down. First of all, this makes reading/writing useless unless you are standing straight up.

Take safari for example: start with your phone straight up then turn it clockwise. By the time you have turned it upside down, you’ll notice that it stays in landscape mode until you are no longer holding the phone upside down. This is called “the right way” of doing things. This allows you to hold your phone in any direction without having to engage in an epic battle. Now go download evernote or a widescreen email app, try writing in landscape mode. Easy, right? Now lie down on your side and try the same thing. Now it becomes impossible for you to use because THE KEYBOARD KEEPS FREAKING ROTATING!!!!

There are applications not made by apple that follows the correct way of doing things. So it is possible, and not only exclusive to Apple.

Have you ever ran into a situaion where it was imperative that you could turn your phone upside down? I once heard that they do it so the speakers don’t get blocked. Here is a simple solution…. PLUG YOUR HEADPHONES IN!!!! Nobody wants to hear the music that’s played everywhere already! And if it’s imperitive that everyone MUST hear your crappy music, simply move your freaking pinky and cradle your phone! This way you are not blocking your speakers AND you can type.

So developers, I know the chance of ANY of you reading this ranty post is slim, and the chance of ANY of you changing your keyboard is even slimmer, but please…. Think of the vampires!!!

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